I know it’s cliche to have “goals” for the new year, but these are here to remind me that I am actively working towards something, and I don’t really see anything wrong with that. In no particular order of importance, here are my goals for 2024…


  • Experience the beach again and really enjoy being there.
  • Find one hobby I really enjoy and stick with it.
  • Take more pictures of the food I create.
  • Write one blog post every month this year.


  • Collectively have $40,000 saved for our next home.
  • Personally have $5,000 invested in TSFA.
  • Only eat out once per week max.


  • Create a better workflow to help me better organize my day.
  • Find and start a free course that applies to Project Management.
  • Finish my first project on new software.


  • Be consistent with walking 5000 steps per day.
  • Continue Therapy every two weeks.
  • Start journaling after Therapy.
  • Re-instate Self-Care Sundays.
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